
Rude Punch to open for Blue Island Tribe at the Redstone Room


Rude Punch, a local reggae/rock band, will be opening for regional Reggae favorite Blue Island Tribe at the Redstone Room this Friday, July 28th.  Come and enjoy a night of sweet reggae vibes and be prepared to dance the night away.  With influences from Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Slightly Stoopid and 311, Rude Punch is a perfect complement to the amazing sound of Blue Island Tribe.  It should be an unforgettable show.  Doors open at 9:00 and admission is only $5.00.

ImageThe QC First Fridays Family along with the Student American Black Chiropractic Association (SABCA) invite you BACK to another stimulating networking experience Friday, August 4th from 6PM – 9 PM at the Student Union of Palmer College of Chiropractic, located at 1000 Brady Street, Davenport, Iowa.  Guest speakers featured this month will be experts in the fields of chiropractic, massage and physical therapy, and nutrition.  Also, enjoy the sounds of “The Truth” and DJ Frank “B”.Admission will be in the form of donations, and all contributions will be donated to a designated non-profit, charitable organization of Palmer College’s choice.All professionals must attend this first-class event.  Drawings will be held for prizes, and we ask that individuals bring announcements or advertisement paraphernalia promoting their business, company and/or organization for us to display.  For more information, contact Hiram Harris at 563-391-9693 or 678-588-2799 or e-mail (  Visit our website: for pictures and promotions of past events.  "QC First Fridays - Mixing Business With Pleasure!"


{mosimage}How should you handle transitions? How should you handle transitions? With the recent release of Character in Transition - A Guide to Not Burning the Bridge, author Nicholas Andrew Depew tackles that question by challenging people to approach the subject of change and the idea of transition from an uncommon point of view. Character in Transition - A Guide to Not Burning the Bridge walks the reader through an easy to follow, step by step process for how a person can make changes in their life successfully. Whether that means changing jobs/careers, receiving a promotion, moving to another community, or changing one's standing in membership situations, Character in Transition offers practical advice for handling transitions correctly. Character in Transition - A Guide to Not Burning the Bridge encourages readers to question the norm and expected everyday standards typically associated with transitions while inviting them to strive for more out of life. This is accomplished by examining subjects such as:
  • Knowing when to say when to change
  • Formulating an exit/transition strategy for pursuing personal and professional goals
  • Overcoming resistance when going through transitions
  • Seeing through uncertainty associated with transitions
  • Avoiding pitfalls while making transitions
  • Leaving a positive legacy
  • Taking your experiences with you into future settings
Character in Transition - A Guide to Not Burning the Bridge is currently being considered for adoption as an additional learning resource in a number of colleges and universities across the country and in Australia and New Zealand. It is also featured in the summer 2006 edition of the NACE (National Association of Colleges & Employers) Journal. Nicholas Andrew Depew is the president and founder of the independent recording company - Dynamic Wind Records, Incorporated. Nicholas has also worked with a number of organizations as a consultant and business administrator, and currently serves on the board of a nonprofit youth-outreach organization. Character in Transition - A Guide to Not Burning the Bridge is published by iUniverse (Lincoln, NE) and has been awarded their prestigious distinction of Editor's Choice. It is available through major online bookstores, such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble, or via special order at most bookstore locations. The list price is $12.95. The ISBN is 0-595-35846-2. For more information, please visit:


ImageDear River Cities' Reader Staff, My name is Nicholas Andrew Depew, and I would like to submit the following press release news item for your consideration. Thank you very much for your time. Have a great day. Sincerely, - Nicholas Andrew Depew

PRESS RELEASE - July 13, 2006
(For immediate release or later use)
How should you handle transitions? How should you handle transitions? With the recent release of Character in Transition - A Guide to Not Burning the Bridge, author Nicholas Andrew Depew tackles that question by challenging people to approach the subject of change and the idea of transition from an uncommon point of view. Character in Transition - A Guide to Not Burning the Bridge walks the reader through an easy to follow, step by step process for how a person can make changes in their life successfully. Whether that means changing jobs/careers, receiving a promotion, moving to another community, or changing one's standing in membership situations, Character in Transition offers practical advice for handling transitions correctly. Character in Transition - A Guide to Not Burning the Bridge encourages readers to question the norm and expected everyday standards typically associated with transitions while inviting them to strive for more out of life. This is accomplished by examining subjects such as: 
  • Knowing when to say when to change
  • Formulating an exit/transition strategy for pursuing personal and professional goals
  • Overcoming resistance when going through transitions
  • Seeing through uncertainty associated with transitions
  • Avoiding pitfalls while making transitions
  • Leaving a positive legacy
  • Taking your experiences with you into future settings
Character in Transition - A Guide to Not Burning the Bridge is currently being considered for adoption as an additional learning resource in a number of colleges and universities across the country and in Australia and New Zealand. It is also featured in the summer 2006 edition of the NACE (National Association of Colleges & Employers) Journal. Nicholas Andrew Depew is the president and founder of the independent recording company - Dynamic Wind Records, Incorporated. Nicholas has also worked with a number of organizations as a consultant and business administrator, and currently serves on the board of a nonprofit youth-outreach organization. Character in Transition - A Guide to Not Burning the Bridge is published by iUniverse (Lincoln, NE) and has been awarded their prestigious distinction of Editor's Choice. It is available through major online bookstores, such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble, or via special order at most bookstore locations. The list price is $12.95. The ISBN is 0-595-35846-2. For more information, please visit: Media Contact:Nicholas DepewPhone: 541-884-8567 [PST] (For media/press only)E-mail: (For media/press only) E-book previews and cover images are available upon request. (For media/press only)



We are now advertising in the River Cities Reader and would like our music calendar to be included in your listings.  We currently have the following:

Tuesday thru Thursday Nights 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm 

Marco Soliz-Acoustic Guitar


Friday and Saturday Nights 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Jack Hendrix and Kevin Cox from Sound Investment

Bass Guitar and Keyboards 

Welcome to the new "In the Cities" listings, where you will find a remedy for every one of your food and entertainment desires!

DINING GUIDE - Restaurants & Dining
NIGHTLIFE - Bars, Taverns & Clubs
THE ARTS - Venues, Theatres, Bands & Artists

Get Listed or Claim Your Current Listing!
You can easily submit a new location or listing by navigating to the category where you would like your listing located and selecting the 'Add your listing here' link...


News Release
For Immediate Release
Date:  July 5, 2006
Contact: Jared W. Johnson
Nehlsen Communications
Phone:  517-374-1071
Fax:  309-736-1073


MOLINE, IL–This summer hundreds of girls under ten, and thousands of their parents, will journey to Green Valley Park in Moline, IL to compete in the A.S.A National Junior Olympic Fast Pitch Softball Tournament.   The Moline Park and Recreation Board has done a lot to prepare for their arrival, but one addition has taken on a special meaning.  Harlon Wheatly, who during his lifetime served both as the President of the Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union 25 and the Quint Cities' Metro Umpires' Association, will be honored this summer as Local 25 donates the plumbing supplies and labor necessary to construct a new umpires locker room.

When the Park and Recreations Board began to prepare for the tournament, one of the things Green Valley Park lacked according to ASA regulations was a locker room facility for the umpires.  One option was to erect tents for the duration of the tournament.  However, the recent construction of two new concessions stands had left the old concessions stand available for demolition or renovation.  Moline Park Director Milt Hand decided that this was the perfect opportunity to create a more permanent solution by turning the old concessions stand into a public restroom and permanent umpire's locker room.

Getting the Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union 25 involved was a natural next step, since both the current Umpire's Association president, Dennis Mesick, and its previous president, Harlon Wheatly, were members of the union.  "Harlon was a good friend," Dennis said, reminiscing about how Harlon had gotten him started with both his vocation and his avocation.  "I did my apprenticeship under him at the Local 25, and he got me into umpiring softball."  As a result of this relationship between Local 25 and the Umpires' Association, and in honor of Harlon Wheatly who passed away in 1999, the Plumbers and Pipefitters of Local 25 are donating the plumbing materials and labor necessary for the renovation.  The labor will be provided by volunteer Local 25 apprentices working at the ballpark during their off-hours and overseen by Dennis Mesick.  "They will be installing all new automatic toilets and handicapped accessible toilets in the restroom area and then also the showering facilities in the umpire's changing area," explained Park Director Milt Hand.

This project is slated to be done and available for use during the 2006 USA/ASA Girls' Class A 10-Under Fast Pitch National Tournament which begins on July 31st.  The new umpire's locker room will be an exciting upgrade for Moline's Green Valley Park, and a fitting way for the Plumbers and Pipefitters of Local 25 to honor their former president.

For photographs of the construction process, please visit  If you would like to schedule your own photo shoot or request interviews, please contact Jared Johnson at (309) 736-1071.

LONG GROVE, IA JUNE 28, 2006 - The Grove to Grove Lower Wapsipinicon River Cleanup Project is seeking volunteers ages 10 and up (under 18 must be accompanied by an adult) to participate in a canoe trip to clean up 22 miles of the Wapsi, the majority of it in Clinton County, from Walnut Grove Park in Toronto, Iowa, to Allen's Grove Park north of Donahue, Iowa. The event will take place August 25-27, 2006.

Base camp is at Sherman Park in Clinton County. The Friday night stay is optional. The cleanup will begin early Saturday morning, and end Sunday afternoon. Single-day participation is permitted. Participants will remove pop cans, plastic sacks, tires, barrels and other pieces of trash they find in the river's waters and banks. Participants should dress for the weather, bring work gloves and wear closed-toe shoes. PFDs are required to be worn at all times while on the river. Organizers will provide free camping (including shower facilities), and canoes, paddles and PFDs for those who need them. Catered meals and t-shirts are available for purchase. The Clinton County Conservation Board naturalists will offer some interesting, fun, and free evening environmental education programs about the river and the land around it.

"This is an opportunity for people to experience the unique camaraderie and feelings of accomplishment that accompany a canoeing- and camping-based river cleanup," state coordinators Melisa Petersen and KJ Rebarcak. "We want to bring people together, get them involved, and let them know they can do something to improve the health and beauty of the river."

Sponsors for this event include : Clinton County Conservation Board; Friends of the Wapsi Center, Inc., Dixon, IA; Clinton County Pheasants Forever; Paul's Discount, Clinton, IA; G. Baker Distributing, Clinton, IA; Allied Waste Services, Clinton, IA; Clinton County Area Solid Waste Agency; KLJB-TV, Davenport, IA; Wapsi River Environmental Education Center, Dixon, IA; Jewel, Clinton, IA; Bonnie's Scenic Tavern, Clinton, IA; Hill Chiropractic Office, P.C., DeWitt, IA; MidAmerican Energy Company; Kimberly Crest Veterinary Hospital, P.C., Davenport, IA; Target, Clinton, IA; Soaring Eagle Nature Center, Clinton, IA; Mercy Medical Center, Clinton, IA; and Alliant Energy. The project also received funding from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR). This May, cleanup organizers secured a CLEAR (Community Leaders Enhancing Area Rivers) mini-grant given out by the DNR. Worth up to $1,000 apiece, the grants encourage communities to take responsibility for cleaning their waterways. Organizers of the DNR's annual river cleanup "Project AWARE (A Watershed Awareness River Expedition)" created the CLEAR mini-grants in response to public demand. For details, visit:

The Lower Wapsipinicon River Cleanup Project is a grassroots organization with a twofold purpose: To remove trash from the river and dispose of it in an environmentally responsible manner; and to educate the public about the environment and the importance of caring for natural resources.

Registrations should be postmarked by July 17 to take advantage of all the extras offered; however, they will still be accepted after that date. For further information, contact Melisa Petersen at 309-737-9016 or KJ Rebarcak at; write to LWRCP, PO Box 333, Long Grove, IA 52756; or visit the website at




For more information, please contact:
Anne Canfield, 816-802-3426

For immediate release

Kansas City Art Institute announces newest graduate

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (June 21, 2006) – The following student from the Davenport area participated in commencement ceremonies May 13 at the Kansas City Art Institute, a four-year college of art and design:

Timothy Dalton of Bettendorf, Iowa, majored in illustration.

The Kansas City Art Institute offers the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in animation, art history, ceramics, fiber, graphic design, interdisciplinary arts, new media, painting, photography, print making, sculpture and studio art with an emphasis in creative writing. Accredited by the North Central Association of the Higher Learning Commission and by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design, KCAI was founded in 1885. Notables who have studied at KCAI include painter Robert Rauschenberg, ceramist Akio Takamori and graphic designers April Greiman and Keith Jacobshagen. For more information, visit KCAI on the Web at



4415 Warwick Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64111

