Contact: Comedy Sportz
Contact Person Jeff Adamson
Title Owner
Address 1818 3rd Ave, Rock Island, IL 61201—
Phone (309) 762-4162
Comedy Sportz Quad
Cities to Hold Late Night Match December 23
Rock Island, IL – December 15, 2006 – Comedy Sportz Quad Cities announces
it will be playing a late match on December 23. The show will be held at 9:30
p.m., after
the usual 7 p.m. show. This will be held at its home field at 1818 3rd Avenue, Rock Island IL.
Reservations may be made through the Circa 21 box office at (309)
786-7733, ext. 2.
This match will be held as
a fundraiser for the 2007 World Comedy Sportz Tournament, which will take place
in July 2007. Comics from more than 20 cities from the United States and England will descend upon the Quad Cities
during week long matches, in order to find out who is the roughest, toughest,
and the funniest of all.
Comedy Sportz: the
interactive all ages improv experience, making the world and the Illinois and Iowa Quad Cities funnier four
minutes at a time. Shows are Friday and Saturday evenings. Doors open at 6:30 for the 7 p.m. show. $8 in advance, $10 at the
door. Reservations are strongly encouraged and can be made at the Circa 21 box
office at (309) 786-7733, ext. 2.
For information:
Contact: Jeff Adamson
Phone: (309) 762-4162
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