Imagewith a full slate of events and exhibitions. Most of Figge's activities below are free to Figge members or general admission for non-members.
In partnership with Genesis Health Quest, Figge will offer free admission to adults 65 years and older on Thursday, October 2, 2008 from 10 am to 9 pm. Genesis will also give free blood pressure checks for seniors in the Figge lobby from 2 - 4 pm.


September 26, 2008 - MOLINE, IL - Zoiks! Online, a magazine of humor, entertainment and pop culture, published by Jason Tanamor, author of "Hello Lesbian!" and "Anonymous," will relaunch on October 1, 2008. The magazine will include various columnists, authors and commentators from all over the country. The web address for the magazine is

Influenced by People, Interview and a bit of Mad Magazine, Zoiks! does not disappoint readers of pop culture and well-crafted comedy. "There's a strong mix of humor and entertainment," commented Tanamor, creator of Zoiks! Online. "Included are regular columns, movie and music reviews, profile stories and interviews with people in entertainment. 'Best Of' print editions of the magazine will also be available in the future." Issues have featured Frank Caliendo from Frank TV; Harry Shearer, voice from the Simpsons; Larry the Cable Guy from the Blue Collar Comedy Tour; and Mitch Fatel, regular correspondent to the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Future issues will include features on Tommy Chong, Godsmack, Blind Melon, Pauly Shore, Dave Coulier, and Norm MacDonald.

Jason Tanamor has contributed to numerous publications and has been praised and supported by industry professionals. "Tanamor's humor has the appeal of Saturday Night Live's "Deep Thoughts." It's not just offbeat - it's an entirely different time signature. Giving rise to plenty of double-takes and raised eyebrows, the writing is simple and uproariously funny. The result will leave readers in stitches," said Jenna Glatzer, author and Editor-in-Chief of Absolute Write.

Zoiks! Online originally launched on Sept. 1, 2004, and issues run on the first of each month. For information on advertising or submitting to Zoiks!, please email

We're Heroes


2dogs digital audio got to step up and perform heroically for NBCs hit series "Heroes" last week

As actor David Anders stopped by 2dogs after a hard day on the set of "Children of the Corn"

(currently being shot in the QC area) to replace some lines of dialog for a couple of up coming shows.

The session was done locked to picture at NBC-Universal in Los Angles via ISDN from the 2dogs'

studio in Moline Illinois.


In observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month Gilda's Club will host a workshop for women with advanced breast cancer.  

The program will focus on the needs of women newly diagnosed with advanced (metastatic) breast cancer, and also includes information relevant to women who have lived two to five years with metastatic breast cancer.  This free workshop will take place on October 30 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. This will include dinner.

Women can and do live for years with metastatic cancer.  This workshop will give those living with breast cancer, as well as their families, the opportunity to learn more about the disease and develop the skills necessary to become an active and informed partner with their treatment team.

The speaker will be Dr. Susannah Friemel, Oncologist, with Hematology Medical Oncology.  For questions or to register please call 563-326-7504.

Frankly Speaking About Advanced Breast Cancer is created by The Wellness Community - National in collaboration with Living Beyond Breast Cancer and made possible through an unrestricted educational grant from GlaxoSmithKline Oncology, AstraZeneca and Abraxis.

In observation of Breast Cancer Awareness Month Gilda's Club Quad Cities is hosting a workshop for women with HER2-positive Breast Cancer.  

HER2-positive breast cancer is a breast cancer that tests positive for a protein called human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2), which promotes the growth of cancer cells. In about one of every three breast cancers, the cancer cells make an excess of HER2 due to a gene mutation. This gene mutation can occur in many types of cancer – not only breast cancer.

HER2-positive breast cancers tend to be more aggressive than other types of breast cancer. They're also less responsive to hormone treatment. However, new treatments that specifically target HER2 are proving to be very effective.

The workshop is called HER Story and will be October 7 at 5:30 p.m. For this workshop will have two guest speakers.  Amber is a HER Story patient Ambassador who was only 32 years old, with two pre-school daughters, when a nagging pain in her shoulder subsequently led to a breast cancer diagnosis in 2006.  She is the educational coordinator at her church and handled her diagnosis at the same time that she had a serious issue at home to deal with. We will also have an oncology nurse specialist to answer your questions. Refreshments and appetizers will be served.

For questions or to register for this free program call Gilda's Club at 563-326-7504.

This workshop is sponsored by Genetech BioOncology.

Craft Fair

Members of Gilda's Club will host a craft fair with proceeds benefiting the club. Hand crafted items and baked goods will be for sale. The craft fair will be held 11:00 to 1:00 p.m on Saturday, October 11, 2008 at Gilda's Club, 1234 E. River Drive, Davenport, Iowa, and there is no admission fee. For questions please call 563-326-7504.
Noogiefest, the annual Halloween party for area kids will be held on Saturday, October 18, 2008 from 11:00 to 1:00 p.m. at Gilda's Club Quad Cities, 1234 E. River Drive, Davenport, Iowa. The event is open to the public and free. Children of all ages can go from room to room to participate in games, crafts and a cake walk. Children are encouraged to wear their costumes and must be accompanied by an adult. Pizza and beverages will also be provided. For more information call 563-326-7504.

Zoiks! Online, a magazine of humor, entertainment and pop culture. Featuring interviews, colums, reviews, and most of all, humor.


The Figge Art Museum is hosting a Free Family Day, "Woven Stories," this Saturday, September 27, 2008 from 12:30 - 3 pm. Admission is free. Children will enjoy art activities, including working with their own mini-looms, paper weaving, and creating their own family portraits. Families can also enjoy the Figge's Family Activity center. Free treats and drinks will also be served. 


At 1 pm, Rowen Schussheim-Anderson will give a tapestry weaving demonstration and talk. This event is in conjunction with Figge's Mother  & Child: Henry Moore's West Dean Tapestries exhibition.

The Figge is located at 225 West Second Street, Davenport, Iowa.  For more information contact the Figge at 563-326-7804.
