Use Free Tax Preparation Help; Avoid Refund Anticipation Loans


CHICAGO - April 10, 2010. Governor Quinn today hailed the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for providing tax relief to thousands of hard-working families and urged all eligible Illinois taxpayers to use the credit when filing their 2009 returns this year.

The Governor also encouraged those who need help filing their returns to utilize the free tax preparation assistance offered by community groups and he warned taxpayers to avoid using costly tax refund anticipation loans that are offered by some commercial tax preparation companies.

"The Earned Income Tax Credit is the best pro-job, pro-family and anti-poverty tax relief ever devised, and every eligible family in Illinois should receive the full credit," said Governor Quinn. "With the income tax deadline just five days away, it is important that Illinois' working families take advantage of free tax preparation assistance to help get their full refunds quickly and painlessly."

State partnerships with the Center for Economic Progress' Tax Counseling Project and Ladder Up (formerly the Tax Assistance Program) will offer free tax preparation assistance and e-filing for families across Illinois. Services are free for families who earned under $50,000 and individuals who made less than $25,000.

Through the partnerships, volunteer tax counselors will provide free tax assistance and counseling more than 30 sites throughout the state. Most sites will provide services from January 23 through April 15. Governor Quinn made today's announcement at Truman College in Chicago, which will serve as a Center for Economic Progress site. (A full list of locations is attached.)

Taxpayers can walk in to any of the locations, without an appointment, and work with trained volunteers who will help fill out their returns and make sure they file for all the credits, deductions and other benefits to which they're entitled.

Families raising three or more children in their home can get up to $5657 from the federal EITC with earnings of less than $48,279 (married, filing jointly). Illinois residents who claim the federal EITC may also receive the state EITC, which can save them up to $283.

Governor Quinn also encouraged residents to avoid the high cost of refund anticipation loans (RALs) offered by commercial tax preparation companies. According to a 2009 study by the Consumer Federation of America and the National Consumer Law Center, the price of a RAL for a typical loan of $3,000 can range from $62 to $110.

Most Illinois taxpayers can file state taxes for free at and receive a refund in about a week. Additionally, many can file their federal taxes online for free as well. Information about filing federal taxes online can be found at


WASHINGTON - Senator Chuck Grassley today said that the U.S. Department of Commerce's Economic Development Administration has awarded five grants totaling nearly $30 million to Iowa communities that are still recovering from severe flooding over the last several years.

The Economic Development Administration serves as a venture capital resource to meet the economic development needs of distressed communities throughout the United States through the promotion of innovation and competitiveness and preparing regions for growth and success in the global economy.

According to the Economic Development Administration, the disaster recovery projects work to minimize economic dislocations resulting from natural and other disasters, improving responsiveness and effectiveness in the recovery process.

The Economic Development Administration has awarded funds as described below.

· Columbus Junction will receive $2,902,500 to help construct a new water treatment facility outside the floodplain.

· Dubuque will receive $1.5 million to help construct a multi-level parking facility.

· Iowa City will receive $22 million to help relocate the north wastewater treatment facility out of the Iowa River floodplain and $3 million to help design and perform engineering work to reconstruct and elevate Dubuque Street and the Park Road Bridge.

· Shenandoah will receive $232,500 to reconstruct storm sewer infrastructure in downtown Shenandoah.


In honor of Crossing Guard Appreciation Day May 4, 2010, Chicago Department of Transportation and the Active Transportation Alliance are asking neighbors to share stories about their local crossing guards. Chicago and suburban residents can share how much they value their crossing guard at

The survey will be open until through May 4, 2010, the day Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn declared as Crossing Guard Appreciation Day "in recognition of the services that these dedicated professionals provide to keep our citizens and their children safe."

"Crossing guards provide an invaluable service to our communities," said Rob Sadowsky, executive director of the Active Transportation Alliance. "They are out there every day making the streets safer by helping children get to school and guiding residents as they walk to the bus."

There are plenty of ways you can show your crossing guard appreciation May 4. Drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians all owe a bit of thanks to our unsung heroes.

  • Download and present them with this certificate of appreciation
  • Write a thank you note
  • Draw a picture of you and your crossing guard
  • Respect the crossing guard's authority
  • Bring them flowers from your garden
  • Pay attention when driving through the intersection
  • Introduce yourself
  • Smile! Wave! Wish them a Happy Crossing Guard Appreciation Day

The Active Transportation Alliance is a non-profit, member-based advocacy organization that works to make bicycling, walking and public transit so safe, convenient and fun that we will achieve a significant shift from environmentally harmful, sedentary travel to clean, active travel. The organization builds a movement around active transportation, encourages physical activity, increases safety and builds a world-class transportation network. Formerly the Chicagoland Bicycle Federation, the Active Transportation Alliance is North America's largest transportation advocacy organization, supported by more than 6,000 members, 1,000 volunteers and 35 full-time staff. For more information on the Active Transportation Alliance, visit or call 312.427.3325.


New Director to Boost Illinois' Quality of Care, Support Initiatives

CHICAGO - April 9, 2010. Governor Pat Quinn today named State Representative Julie Hamos as Director of the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS). As agency director, Hamos will focus on expanding access to healthcare while improving patient safety.

"Julie has served our state with professionalism and integrity for many years and is a longtime champion of improving access to healthcare," said Governor Quinn. "In this new role, she will continue to be a strong advocate for families in need of better, more efficient and patient-centered healthcare. Julie will also be instrumental in the Illinois implementation of President Obama's ground-breaking healthcare reform plan."

Hamos has served in the Illinois House of Representatives since 1999 and represents the 18th District. Previously, she worked as the legislative counsel and policy advisor to then-State's Attorney Richard M. Daley, before being appointed director of the Child Support Division, which overseas more than 300,000 child support cases each year. Hamos earned a Bachelor's degree from Washington University and a law degree George Washington University. (See attached background sheet.)

"I am honored to serve the people of Illinois as Director of Healthcare and Family Services and thank Governor Quinn for this opportunity," said Hamos. "I am a longtime advocate for expanding access to healthcare and believe in improving the quality of healthcare for Illinois families and protecting patients."

In 2003, Hamos worked to enact the Consumer Guide to Health Care Act, which requires hospitals and outpatient surgical treatment centers to disclose data on key measures for 30 medical procedures - part of a national movement to help consumers make comparisons based on quality healthcare data.

In 2005, Hamos sponsored legislation that created the Electronic Health Records Taskforce, and this year she is sponsoring the Illinois Health Information Exchange and Technology Act. That Act will establish a public-private Health Information Exchange Authority to work in conjunction with the Governor's Office of Health Information Technology to enable providers throughout Illinois to securely share patient health information, and it is a step toward the adoption of statewide electronic health records.

"Just a few weeks ago, President Obama signed historic legislation into law that will reform the healthcare system in our country," said Hamos. "I look forward to working on the frontline to carry out that reform throughout Illinois." 

Hamos succeeds former HFS Director Barry Maram, who is assisting in the leadership transition. Her position is effective April 16, 2010.

HFS provides affordable healthcare coverage for adults and children who qualify. The department also provides free child support enforcement services to help ensure that Illinois children receive financial support from both parents. For more information on HFS, please visit
American Airlines takes on GDS charges with a new distribution model - and intermediaries fight back
9 April 2010

American Airlines wants to deal directly with corporate travel managers and is attempting to cut out the middleman by putting up pay wall for Global Distribution Systems (GDSs), Online Travel Agents (OTAs) and Travel Management Companies (TMCs) to access the content on Predictably there is a chorus of opposition from intermediaries; but Wall Street likes it. Meanwhile, airlines around the world will be watching avidly.

"At the airline firm level, this probably seems very rational to (American)," said Business Travel Coalition (BTC) Chair Kevin Mitchell, who is leading a fight to stop Direct Connect. "It generates more revenue while lowering and shifting costs. But it also throws so much complexity and burdens the industry with so many new costs, it is irrational at the industry level. The airlines just don't get it. They want to eliminate the middle man but corporations have a very efficient and time-tested way of doing business and this will undermine that."

Declares April "Earth Month", Presents Environmental Hero Awards
CHICAGO - April 9, 2010. Governor Pat Quinn today delivered the keynote address at the 2nd Annual Sustainable Schools Symposium at Walter Payton College Prep. Governor Quinn was joined by officials from the U.S. Department of Education and Chicago Public Schools in declaring the month of April "Earth Month" and presenting Environmental Hero Awards.
"We've come a long way in protecting precious natural resources and making our state 'green' but we can't stop now.  We must continue this important effort by recognizing that every month is Earth Month," said Governor Quinn. "By working together, we can teach today's youth the importance of conservation and creating a sustainable environment now and in the future."
Participants from across Illinois - including school administrators, superintendents, school board members, custodial staff, teachers, government officials and high school student environmental leaders - gathered at the daylong symposium in Chicago to exchange ideas that will enhance and promote green practices in K-12 schools.
The symposium is hosted by the Illinois Green Governments Coordinating Council in partnership with the U.S. Green Building Council Chicago Chapter and Chicago Public Schools, and features presentations from local, state, and federal policy-makers, educators, green businesses and non-profits. Workshops cover a variety of topics aimed at giving participants ideas for making schools across Illinois green. Green school construction and renovation, energy usage in the classroom, environmental education and health, and ways to finance sustainability projects are just some of the areas that were discussed.
Governor Quinn also issued a proclamation declaring April as "Earth Month" in Illinois. Throughout the month, various state agencies will hold events and programs aimed at educating the public about the importance of environmentalism and conserving natural resources. Details about those events will be released in the coming weeks.
Governor Quinn serves as the chairman of the Great Lakes Commission, the Illinois River Coordinating Council and the Illinois Green Governments Coordinating Council. Governor Quinn has also signed numerous Executive Orders and statutes into law to ensure greater energy efficiency, use of renewable energy, and protection of Illinois' land, air and water resources. For more information about Governor Quinn's sustainability initiatives, please visit
Hamlet Insurance Agency, Inc. of Reynolds, Illinois was recently named to the Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company President's Club for 2010 as a top agency for the company.

Recognized by Grinnell Mutual President and CEO Steve Crawford, Hamlet Insurance Agency ranks among the company's top 50 agencies and 15 farm mutual companies for outstanding production and profitability over a five-year period. President's Club members provide insights on key insurance and business issues to board members and management staff from Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance and Grinnell Select Insurance Companies.

"Our President's Club members provide valuable input as we seek their opinions on many topics, from product development to marketing," said Crawford. "The dynamics of today's insurance market continues to evolve quickly. For that reason, listening to our top agents and mutuals keeps our partnership and our service to the policyholder strong and stable."

The agents and staff at Hamlet Insurance Agency were recently presented with a plaque and letter of recognition from Grinnell Mutual for the agency's notable achievement.

Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company, with headquarters in Grinnell, Iowa, has been in business since 1909 and provides reinsurance and property and casualty insurance products for home owners, farm owners and business owners through nearly 1,600 independent agents in 11 Midwestern states. The company is the largest primary reinsurer of farm mutual companies in North America.


Quad City students are gearing up to flex their mental muscle!  Rivermont Collegiate will host the 3rd annual RAI (Rivermont Academic Invitational) next Wednesday and Thursday, April 14th and 15th, on the Rivermont campus in Bettendorf.  Students in grades 5-8 from throughout the Quad Cities participate in this academic competition.  The event continues to grow in popularity, with RAI 2010 being the largest yet - Rivermont is ecstatic to host 300 students from 20 local schools!

At the RAI competition, students spend the day competing in "out of the box" activities that take core curriculum ideas and expand them to hands-on learning and real life situations.  Participants work in teams to apply multiple skill sets in math, engineering, geography, global awareness, current events, and literature.  Trophies are awarded to top teams, with individual honors also awarded.  This year's RAI was made possible in part by a grant from the Community Foundation of the Great River Bend.

RAI 2010 will take place from 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. both Wednesday and Thursday; 5th and 6th grades will compete on Wednesday, 7th and 8th grades on Thursday.  Rivermont Collegiate is located directly off 18th Street, behind K&K Hardware in Bettendorf.  Members of the community are welcome to join us and observe our local students in action!

For additional information on the Rivermont Academic Invitational contact Leigh Ann Schroeder at or 563.359.1366 ext. 343

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April 2010, Bettendorf, IA?Community business leaders can access the knowledge and experience of eleven internationally-acclaimed leaders by attending the Chick-fil-A "Be the One" Leadercast at Harvest Bible Chapel in Davenport, IA, on May 7, 2010. The Chick-fil-A Leadercast is a one-day leadership training event broadcast LIVE from Atlanta, Ga. to hundreds of host sites throughout the nation, including Davenport. Results Marketing, "The Shef " and St. Ambrose University are bringing the event to the QCA. Speakers for the event include :

  • Jim Collins, author of "Good to Great," "How the Mighty Fall" and co-author of "Built to Last"
  • Tony Dungy (pre-recorded session), retired head coach for the Indianapolis Colts
  • John C. Maxwell, leadership expert and best-selling author of "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership"
  • Dr. Ben Carson, neurosurgeon, professor of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
  • Chip Heath, Author of "Made to Stick," Columnist for "Fast Company," and Stanford Professor
  • Jim Goodnight, CEO of SAS Institute, Inc.
  • Ed Bastian, president of Delta Air Lines
  • Connie Podesta, expert in the psychology of human behavior and leadership development
  • Mark Sanborn, best-selling author of The Fred Factor
  • Steve Uzzell, award-winning corporate photographer and former staff member of National Geographic
  • Dave "The Shef" Sheffield, top selling author and "Always Better Your Best" motivational expert

The idea for the Chick-fil-A Leadercast was conceived ten years ago by Dr. John C. Maxwell, "New York Times" best-selling author and speaker. He wanted to combine his influential voice in the community with his desire to reach leaders at the heart level. What started out as a half day, classroom-format event with John Maxwell teaching has since become a full-day, experiential conference featuring authors, leadership experts and practitioners.

"The event was a highlight in my development," said Jennifer Boubel, director of field services for Continental Airlines. "Each speaker brought insights that were inspiring. It is an incredible way to improve upon our leadership so that in turn we can make a difference in the lives of those we influence."

This year's program will focus on how to be the one to make a difference at work, at home and in the community. Topics include connecting with others, standing out amid the competition, ideas for creative problem solving, leading in challenging times, creating strong team cultures and how to avoid, detect and reverse decline.

"Leadership is about who you are within," said Bill George, Harvard Business School professor and author of "True North." "I think it's important to ... listen to leaders to reflect on the kind of leader you want to become."

Cost is just $99 (a $129 value) and includes the day's manual and lunch. Call for group discounts. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the QC Boys & Girls Clubs and Big Brothers/Big Sisters leadership programs.


This weekend 53 high school speakers will compete in The American Legion National High School Oratorical Scholarship Contest on the campus of Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI).  A student from your area eagerly plans travel to the Hoosier capitol city on Friday.

The contest is in three phases beginning Saturday, April 10 with the opening round at 9:45 a.m.  Winners from this round will enter the semi-finals getting underway at 3:45 p.m.  The finals are Sunday, April 11 beginning at 11 a.m.  Results are generally available by noon.

Thank you for covering the outstanding high school student from your area.  The final 53 come from a field that is thousands strong when the competition began.  They are all state champions and have earned scholarship funds.

Below is a listing of contestants by state.



CONTACT:  Joe March (317) 630-1253, Cell (317) 748-1926 or John Raughter (317) 630-1253 or (317) 441-8847.  You can also attempt to contact your local competitor at the hotel in Indianapolis.  To directly contact a competitor's room while in Indianapolis:  Hotel switchboard (317) 269-9000/1-800-627-2700.


State champions listed by state for the 2010 The American Legion High School Oratorical Scholarship Program - "A Constitutional Speech Contest."

- conducted by The American Legion.


Alabama - Elizabeth Blessing of Auburn, Alabama, is a sophomore at Farmville Christian Academy.

Alaska -  Neilius Finnesand of Anchorage, Alaska, is a senior at Kenny Lake High School.

Arizona - Nicholas Everetts of Fountain Hills, Arizona, is a junior at Fountain Hills High School.

Arkansas - Luke Macfarlan of Siloam Springs, Arkansas, is a home schooled sophomore.

California - Samuel Stone of Danville, California, is a senior at Monte Vista High School.

Colorado - Rachel Ford of Lyons, Colorado, is a home schooled senior.

Connecticut - Timothy Lachapelle of Southington, Connecticut, is a junior at Southington High School.

Delaware - Andrew Ball of Seaford, Delaware, is a senior at Sussex Technical High School.

District of Columbia - Ikechukwu, Eronini of Washington, DC, is a senior at McKinley Technology High School.

Florida - Caroline Schechinger, of St. Augustine, Florida, is a sophomore at Bishop Kenny High School.

France - Christina Lowry of Germany is a senior at Patch American High School.

Georgia - Joseph Rondone of Marietta, Georgia, is a home schooled junior.

Hawaii - Ryan McDonald of Honolulu, Hawaii, is a home schooled sophomore.

Idaho - Charles Baines of Meridian, Idaho, is a sophomore at Arts West High School.

Illinois - Matthew Schuhriemen of Naperville, Illinois, is a home schooled senior.

Indiana -Meagan McAllister of Logansport, Indiana, is a senior at Faith Christian School.

Iowa- Justin J. Grubbs of Davenport, Iowa, is a senior at Davenport West High School.

Kansas - Gray Henry of Colby, Kansas, is a senior at Colby High School.

Kentucky - Christina Sauer of Corydon, Indiana, is a senior at Presentation Academy.

Louisiana - Michael Graves of Bossier City, Louisiana, is a senior at Airline High School.

Maine -Renata Schalk of Sabattus, Maine, is a home schooled senior.

Maryland - Nathan Chai of Ellicott City, Maryland, is a home schooled junior.

Massachusetts - Nicholas Jacob of Milton, Massachusetts, is a senior at Milton Academy.

Michigan - Robin Luo of Kalamazoo, Michigan, is a senior at Portage Central High School.

Minnesota - Austin Knott of Red Wing, Minnesota, is a senior at Red Wing High School.

Mississippi - Anthony Martinez of Madison, Mississippi, is a senior at St. Joseph Catholic School.

Missouri - Derek Schulze of Warrenton, Missouri, is a senior at Warrenton High School.

Montana - Katherine Sizemore of Gildford, Montana, is a senior at North Star High School.

Nebraska - Caitlin Molczyk of Columbus, Nebraska, is a junior at Columbus High School.

Nevada - Jacqueline Burks of Reno, Nevada, is a senior at Reno High School.

New Hampshire - Katy Devine of Amherst, New Hampshire, is a senior at Bishop Guertin High School.

New Jersey - Isabelle Foley of Montclair, New Jersey, is a senior at Montclair High School.

New Mexico - Emma Elizondo of Rio Rancho, New Mexico is a sophomore at V. Sue Cleveland High School.

New York - Madison Kircher of Queensbury, New York, is a senior at Queensbury High School.

North Carolina - Daniel Nelson of Goldsboro, North Carolina, is a home schooled junior.

North Dakota - Sibinee Jokela of Watford City, North Dakota, is a senior at Watford City High School.

Ohio - Grace Pyo of Powell, Ohio, is a junior at Olentangy Liberty High School.

Oklahoma - Kristalynn Hefner of Chelsea, Oklahoma, is a junior at Chelsea High School.

Oregon -  Dalton Hellman of Canby, Oregon, is a senior at Canby High School.

Pennsylvania -- Samuel Hardy of Pazmyra, Pennsylvania, is a junior at Palmyra Area High School.

Puerto Rico -Jean DeJesus of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, is a sophomore at Antilles Military Academy.

Rhode Island - Hayley Hutchins of Hope, Rhode Island, is a home schooled senior.

South Carolina - Victoria Black of Iva, South Carolina, is a home schooled junior.

South Dakota - Joseph Schartz of Humboldt, South Dakota, is a sophomore at West Central High School.

Tennessee - Clarissa Stewart of Cleveland, Tennessee is a senior at Gateway Christian Schools.

Texas - Camille Peeples of Austin, Texas, is a senior at Hyde Park Baptist High School.

Utah - Amanda Tibbitts of Riverton, Utah, is a senior at Riverton High School.

Vermont - Brooke Connor of Bridport, Vermont is a senior at Middlebury Union High School.

Virginia - John Stegner of Powhatan, Virginia, is a home schooled junior.

Washington -Mitchell Murdock of Kingston, Washington, is a senior at Kingston High School.

West Virginia - Aleksandr Fedyszyn of Wheeling, West Virginia, is a junior at The Linsly School.

Wisconsin - Kelsey Marsolek of Independence, Wisconsin, is a senior at Independence High School.

Wyoming - Clayton Dexter of Casper, Wyoming, is a senior at Natrona County High School.


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