Churches United of the Quad City Area gratefully acknowledges the generous support for Winnie’s Place from the Theisen’s More for Your Community Grant Program. This $1,750 grant award helps Churches United make needed repairs to Winnie’s Place, the only emergency shelter in the Illinois Quad Cities for women, with or without children, who are homeless and/or survivors of domestic abuse. In addition to shelter, food, and basic needs, Winnie’s Place offers counseling, advocacy, and education in life skills to help these women and their families build toward a more successful future.
Celebrating our 56th year of community service, Churches United is a cooperative association of 136 churches representing more than 20 Christian faith traditions in the Quad City area. In addition to Winnie’s Place, our hunger ministry is the largest provider of free food in our region with 25 food pantries and 3 hot meal sites that offer evening meals daily.
For more information about our programs and how you can support Churches United, visit our website at or call 563-332-5002.