ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS (May 31, 2023) — The 2023 David R Collins Writers’ Conference will hold a book fair for local/regional authors, publishers, booksellers, and more. The event will be held Saturday, June 24, 10AM-4PM, Gävle Hall (in the Gerber Center for Student Life, Augustana College, 3435 9 ½ Ave, Rock Island, Illinois). A conference-registration fee not required to participate in the books fair. Tables for participants are $10, or two for $20.
Free information tables are available for libraries, community organizations, etc. Please contact MWC for more information.
The Community Book Fair is free and open to the public.
If you are interested in participating in the Community Book Fair, please follow this link to register: forms.gle/4WEkHXzMZKc8qT298
Or, call MWC at 309-732-7330 or e-mail mwc@mwcqc.org to register and to get more information.
Please visit the MWC website for complete Conference info and online registration:
The 2023 David R Collins Writers’ Conference is made possible thanks to the generous support of our sponsors and grantors: Modern Woodmen of America, Founding Sponsor; Illinois Humanities; the Illinois Arts Council Agency; Augustana College; the Figge Art Museum; and Rozz-Tox.