Tom Vaccaro of Davenport had a “Grand Ole” time in Nashville, Tennessee, to kick off his 2025.

To many Statehouse types, some of last week’s news out of Washington, D.C. felt eerily familiar.

The Illinois legislature’s Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability recently released an eye-popping actuarial analysis of a union-backed pension reform plan. The analysis concluded that the proposal, House Bill 5909, would cost tax-payers almost $30 billion through the year 2045.

Former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan’s longtime law firm partner Vincent "Bud" Getzendanner testified in Madigan’s defense against numerous federal charges last week. One of the main themes of Getzendanner’s testimony was the property tax firm’s process of weeding out clients and potential clients who could pose a conflict of interest to Madigan.

Uncle Scam's First Amendment Jeopardy J6 Wheel of Misfortune - by Ed Newman Jan 2024

U.S. Attorney General William Barr testified before the J6 Select Committee (arguably illegitimate because it did not follow the procedural rules for convening a select committee), claiming he had investigated election irregularity and fraud allegations, and determined them to be unfounded. His testimony was one of the video presentations during the J6 Select Committee's nine prime-time investigative hearings.

Wondering what to expect from the government in 2025? So far, it looks like it will be more of the same ill-advised, costly, greedy, taxpayer-funded, dunderheaded power grabs, saber-rattling, graft, corruption, and make-works programming that leaves us no better off than where we started.

Scott County Sheriff Tim Lane

The Scott County sheriff says although an Iowa Senate committee has rejected his ethics complaint against the state’s new lieutenant governor, he intends to pursue the matter.

Every now and then, you get a story that helps explain the Statehouse power dynamic. The saga of the “intoxicating hemp” regulation bill is one of those stories.

2024 was a tumultuous year for the country (myself included), and it’s a gift to be able to look back at arts and culture highlights I was able to witness, while looking forward to some 2025 events that are sure to be on my calendar.

We’re less than nine months from when candidates can begin circulating petitions for the 2026 election, so we’re rapidly approaching the time when major figures will need to decide whether to run or not. Because of that, a lot of people are polling.
