BETTENDORF, IOWA (August 31, 2023) — The Mississippi River is more than 2,300 miles long, meandering from northern Minnesota, through the Midwest and Southeast, before discharging in the Gulf of Mexico. Across that distance, the river runs east to west in only one place, a short span right at the center of the Quad Cities region.

In other words, the Quad Cities is comfortable moving in an unexpected direction.

BETTENDORF, IOWA (June 26, 2023) — The Quad Cities Community Foundation will launch a new Center for Nonprofit Excellence, a resource dedicated to strengthening the region’s non-profit sector.

The initiative will build on the Community Foundation’s long history of supporting non-profits by providing expanded resources that help local organizations advance their missions and grow their collective impact.

BETTENDORF, IOWA (May 30, 2023) — In partnership with Disaster Ready Quad Cities, the Quad Cities Community Foundation is currently accepting donations to the Quad Cities Disaster Recovery Fund to support Quad Cities non-profits supporting households impacted by the collapse of 324 Main Street in downtown Davenport, Iowa, over the weekend.

BETTENDORF, IOWA (April 27, 2023) — Last year, Rock Island’s Martin Luther King Center set an ambitious goal for its annual Thanksgiving celebration: serve 5,000 meals to community members.

For many years, the MLK Center had served about 200 meals the Sunday before the holiday. After adding Saturday delivery and, during COVID-19, a curbside pickup option, they watched that number tick up and up, from 1,000 meals in 2018 to 2,200 in 2020 and 3,500 in 2021.

ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS (February 23, 2023) — Where the Watch Tower Plaza once stood in southwest Rock Island now stretches a 23-acre vacant lot. Just across the street from the lot — which was cleared in 2015 to make way for a Walmart Supercenter that never came, displacing a supermarket, a drug store, a salon, and other local retailers — a non-profit called Positive Brothers United (PBU) is bringing new resources to community members in the area.

Left to right: Kelly Thompson, Tee LeShoure, Dwayne Hodges, Nicole Cisne Durbin, Chief Jeffrey Bladel, Mayor Mike Matson, Sarah Ott, and Sue Hafkemeyer

BETTENDORF, IOWA (November 17, 2022) — In late 2020, Humility Homes and Services received a $100,000 Transformation Grant from the Quad Cities Community Foundation to help pilot its supportive housing model, a holistic approach combining stable affordable housing with wraparound services.

BETTENDORF, IOWA (October 26, 2022) — Not every kid who takes a class, does a camp, or joins a production at Davenport Junior Theatre finds themselves pursuing a career in the performing arts — but that’s not the theater’s mission.

BETTENDORF, IOWA (September 26, 2022) — Thirty-four local non-profits are receiving $577,262 through the Quad Cities Community Foundation’s Operations and Program Grants.


Investment returns (Percentage-wise)

BETTENDORF, IOWA (March 22, 2021) — The past year may have been challenging in many ways, but for the Quad Cities Community Foundation, it’s been an opportunity to witness new levels of generosity within our community — and the remarkable results of that generosity. That is, in part, because Community Foundation donors saw exceptional growth of their funds.
