(DES MOINES) - Gov. Terry Branstad and Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds announced today that they will hold a two-hour public meeting on the severe dry and D1 Drought conditions that have plagued Iowa this summer. The event will be held Tuesday morning at the Mt. Pleasant High School gymnasium, and members of the public are encouraged and welcome to attend.

The public meeting will feature officials from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, and the USDA. Outside expert testimony will feature agricultural groups and environmental experts.

The discussion will include the latest information and tracking metrics, how coordination is being handled between the state and federal levels, and potential action steps that may be taken in order to ensure Iowa's needs are met. The public is invited to share their thoughts and concerns.

Details of the meeting are as follows:

Tuesday, July 18, 2012

9 a.m. Gov. Branstad and Lt. Gov. Reynolds hold public meeting on dry and D1 Drought conditions

Mt. Pleasant High School  gymnasium

2104 South Grand Avenue

Mount Pleasant, IA

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(DES MOINES) - Gov. Terry Branstad and Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds today announced Iowa's participation in CNBC's "Top States Twitter Battle," and encouraged all Iowans on Twitter to use #TopStatesIA to assist in promoting Iowa's stature as a great place to do business.

In addition to engaging on Twitter, CNBC offered each governor the opportunity to record an "elevator pitch" video and submit it as part of the campaign. Produced in the Iowa governor's office, the brief video explains why Iowa is a top state for business. The video is found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnmfO92glyo&feature=relmfu

The Twitter battle and video are a part of the CNBC "Top States for Doing Business" annual rankings show. This is a high-profile, yearly ranking of all 50 states on 43 measures of competitiveness developed with input from business groups including the National Association of Manufacturers and the Council on Competitiveness.

"We are excited to launch this promotional campaign, because Iowa has dedicated, hard-working people and some of the best employers in the country," said Gov. Branstad. "We intend to highlight Iowa's benefits through this video, and through our Twitter account."

The Twitter battle does not affect the "Top States" ranking. Host Scott Cohn ranks the states based on reporting on a variety of quantitative and qualitative data and metrics.

Branstad added he hopes Iowa comes in strong in the CNBC "Top States" rankings, but there is always more work to do in terms of luring new business and industry to Iowa.

"I am not completely satisfied with our business climate because property taxes remain too high in Iowa," said Gov. Branstad. "We have made progress on limiting burdensome regulations and creating our new Iowa Economic Development Authority, but our work on job creation and improving Iowa's business rankings should continue to be a priority for all of us. Additionally, our efforts to improve our education system are vitally important in moving Iowa forward."

Reynolds noted their travels, and the importance of being on the ground and in communities when taking into account Iowa's job creation efforts.

"The governor and I are excited when we get the opportunity to visit various businesses throughout Iowa, and again this week, we have another ribbon cutting," said Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds. "We hear the concerns of job creators in Iowa, and we work to address them after each and every visit. This is an exciting time for Iowa, and we want to continue building on our successes, while working every day to create a hospitable jobs environment.

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(DES MOINES) - Gov. Terry Branstad today named Jason Carlstrom, of Spirit Lake, as chair of the Iowa Board of Parole, effective September 3.

Carlstrom, 41, replaces Doris Kelley, who will resume her responsibilities as vice chair of the board.

"Jason will be a great leader for this board, and brings with him an unmatched ability and experience," said Branstad. "I am excited to see the great work he will do on behalf of Iowans in his new role of service."

Carlstrom is currently the Dickinson County Attorney. Prior to this elected position, he served as an attorney in private practice, and was an adjunct professor at both Buena Vista University and Iowa Lakes Community College.

"I am excited to serve in this new position, as we look to find effective, efficient and streamlined operations," said Carlstrom. "This is an exciting time for the Iowa Parole Board, as Governor Branstad has made it a priority to improve its services."

Branstad thanked Doris Kelley for her work, and is pleased she will continue serving on the board in a leadership capacity.

"I want to thank Doris for her outstanding work during this transition period, and am excited to see her resume her responsibilities as vice chair," said Branstad. "Her time was extremely valuable for the board, as she led on a number of positive new initiatives."

"Jason Carlstrom is taking the reins at an important time for the Iowa Board of Parole, and I look forward to seeing the great work he'll accomplish," said Kelley. "I will work with him every day to ensure the needs of this board are met in order to effectively serve the people of Iowa."

Carlstrom will move to the Des Moines metro area, where he will reside full-time.

(DES MOINES) - Gov. Terry Branstad and Lt. Gov. Reynolds today announced that they both will pay 20% of their healthcare costs beginning August 1, 2012.

"Hard-working Iowa taxpayers are accustomed to paying for some or all of their own healthcare costs, and for far too long, their tax dollars have also paid for the total cost of state employees' healthcare," said Branstad. "I truly believe the only way we will begin improving our health as a state and controlling the rising costs of healthcare is by empowering Iowans to take ownership of their own health."

Gov. Branstad signed Executive Order 78 today to allow state employees to voluntarily pay for 20% of their own healthcare. Branstad individually asked all state-wide elected officials and department heads to volunteer as well.

The governor worked with the health plan administrator and Department of Administrative Services to make this healthcare option available to all state employees.

"Our decision to begin paying 20%, and to allow employees to an opportunity to also contribute, will accomplish both goals of making employees healthier and allow for government to spend less," said Reynolds.

A single person, whom chooses to pay for 20% of their own healthcare on the least expensive plan will save taxpayers at least $1,000.


(DES MOINES) - June 28, 2012 - Gov. Branstad today named the 9 members of Iowa's new Public Information Board, which was established this year in Senate File 430 to ensure Iowans have open, transparent government at all levels.

"When running for governor, Lieutenant Governor Reynolds and I promised Iowans we would have an open, honest and transparent administration," said Branstad. "This has long been a priority of mine because this legislation ensures transparency and provides Iowans the necessary access to their government. This is a new day for Iowans as we hold government accountable and shed light on their activities."

The nine-member board members are as follows:


Robert Andeweg, Urbandale

Tony Gaugan, West Des Moines

Jo Martin, Spirit Lake

Andy McKean, Anamosa

Gary Mohr, Bettendorf

Bill Monroe, Johnston

Kathleen Richardson, Des Moines

Suzan Stewart, Sioux City

Peggy Weitl, Carroll


Their terms begin on July 1, 2012.

"This board will be critical in providing government officials and Iowans information on compliance with state open meetings and open records laws," concluded Branstad.

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June 15, 2012

(DES MOINES) - Gov. Terry E. Branstad today accepted the retirement of Larry Noble as commissioner of the Department of Public Safety (DPS), effective on July 5 of this year. Branstad announced his appointment of Noble prior to taking office on January 14, 2011, and Noble has served in this position in the 17 months since.

"It is with regret that I accept Larry's resignation, as he was an exemplary commissioner, and will be missed by all who served with him," said Branstad. "Larry has been a partner in effectively managing the safety needs of Iowans. I am thankful to Larry for his service and dedication to this very consuming job."

Noble announced his retirement to staff members at DPS this morning.

"I have reached a point where I want to spend more time with my family, and balancing the needs of a 7-day-a-week job with personal responsibilities makes that very difficult," said Noble. "This position is in service to all Iowans, and I believe someone else should have the opportunity to balance the rigors of this position. This was not a decision I made lightly, but it is the right decision for both my family and the people of Iowa."

Branstad and Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds noted the many accomplishments of Noble as DPS commissioner, including:

• Identifying and managing efficiencies while still offering premier performance from the department;
• Improving and strengthening child protection laws;
• Worked with the administration to retain 45 troopers, and working toward ensuring every county has a trooper;
• Offering stricter guidelines and punishment to combat synthetic drugs such as K2 and bath salts,
• Improving the visibility and knowledge of the department throughout the state.

"We are disappointed to see Larry go," said Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds. "Without question, the state of Iowa is a better place thanks to his service. Iowa is seeing the departure of a great public servant, but his family is gaining the benefit of more of his time and attention, which we can all wholly understand.

Branstad announced that Steve Ponsetto will serve as the interim commissioner while a search for Noble's replacement takes place.

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