DeKALB, ILLINOIS (January 22, 2020) — Northern Illinois University announces its fall 2019 Academic Excellence List students. Equivalent to the Dean's List, the Academic Excellence List is for students who have not declared a major. To earn this distinction, students must meet a minimum semester grade-point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.

DeKALB, ILLINOIS (January 21, 2020) — Over 1,300 students received their degrees from Northern Illinois University in December. Included among the graduates were the following students from your area:


DeKALB, ILLINOIS (January 21, 2020) — Northern Illinois University announces its fall 2019 Dean's List students. To earn this distinction, students must meet a minimum semester grade-point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale in the College of Engineering and Engineering Technology or a minimum of 3.75 on a 4.0 scale in the colleges of Business, Education, Health, and Human Sciences, Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Visual and Performing Arts.

DeKALB, ILLINOIS (September 25, 2019) — Over 650 students received their degrees from Northern Illinois University in August. Included among the graduates were the following students from your area:


DEKALB, Ill. (June 3, 2019) - Northern Illinois University announces its Spring 2019 Dean's List students. To earn this distinction, students must meet a minimum semester grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale in the College of Engineering and Engineering Technology or a minimum of 3.75 on a 4.0 scale in the colleges of Business, Education, Health and Human Sciences, Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Visual and Performing Arts. Students from your area who achieved this honor include:

DeKALB, ILLINOIS (May 31, 2019) — Northern Illinois University celebrated commencement weekend, May 11 and 12. Included among the more than 3,000 graduates were the following students from your area:


DeKALB, Ill (January 18, 2019) ― Northern Illinois University celebrated commencement weekend, December 15 and 16. Included among the more than 1,450 graduates were the following students from your area:


DeKalb, Ill. (Jan. 23, 2018) - Northern Illinois University announces its fall 2017 Dean's List students. To earn this distinction, students must meet a minimum semester grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale in the College of Engineering and Engineering Technology or a minimum of 3.75 on a 4.0 scale in the colleges of Business, Education, Health and Human Sciences, Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Visual and Performing Arts. Students from your area who achieved this honor are listed below.

DeKalb, Ill. (Jan. 24, 2018) - Northern Illinois University celebrated commencement weekend, December 16 and 17. Included among the more than 1,450 graduates were the following students from your area are listed below.
