CHICAGO - July 22, 2011. Governor Pat Quinn today granted 50 and denied 111 clemency petitions. This action marks another step in a series of clemency decisions aimed at eliminating a backlog of more than 2,500 cases that built up during the previous administration.

The 161 clemency petitions acted upon by Governor Quinn are part of dockets ranging from 2003 through 2009.  Each person granted clemency has recently undergone a criminal background check through the Illinois State Police's Law Enforcement Agencies Data System (LEADS).

Since taking office, Governor Quinn has acted on 1,356 clemency petitions. Governor Quinn has granted 517 and denied 839 petitions. Those actions include granting 506 pardons, authorizing 10 people who had already received pardons to seek expungement of their convictions, and granting one commutation.

For additional information on the granted clemency cases, please contact the Prisoner Review Board at (217) 782-7274.


CHICAGO - December 23, 2010. Governor Pat Quinn today granted 34 and denied 51 clemency petitions. This action marks another step in a series of clemency decisions aimed at eliminating a massive backlog of more than 2,500 cases that built up during the previous administration.

The 85 clemency petitions acted upon by Governor Quinn date back to the January 2004 docket.  Each person granted clemency has recently undergone a criminal background check through the Illinois State Police's Law Enforcement Agencies Data System (LEADS).

Since taking office, Governor Quinn has acted on 895 clemency petitions. Governor Quinn has granted 371 and denied 524 petitions. Those actions include granting 362 pardons, authorizing eight people who had already received pardons to seek expungement of their convictions, and granting one commutation.

For additional information on the granted clemency cases, please contact the Prisoner Review Board at (217) 782-7274.


CHICAGO - November 24, 2010. Governor Pat Quinn today approved 20 and denied 48 clemency petitions. This action marks another step in a series of clemency decisions aimed at ending a massive backlog of nearly 2,500 cases that built up during the previous administration.

The 68 clemency petitions acted upon by Governor Quinn are from the October 2003, January 2004, April 2004 and July 2004 dockets.  Each person granted clemency has recently undergone a criminal background check through the Illinois State Police's Law Enforcement Agencies Data System (LEADS).

Since taking office, Governor Quinn has acted on 810 clemency petitions. Governor Quinn has granted 317 pardons, authorized eight persons who had already received pardons to seek expungement of their convictions, granted one commutation and denied 425 petitions.

For further information on the approved clemency cases, please contact the Prisoner Review Board at (217) 502-0948.


Use Free Tax Preparation Help; Avoid Refund Anticipation Loans


CHICAGO - April 10, 2010. Governor Quinn today hailed the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for providing tax relief to thousands of hard-working families and urged all eligible Illinois taxpayers to use the credit when filing their 2009 returns this year.

The Governor also encouraged those who need help filing their returns to utilize the free tax preparation assistance offered by community groups and he warned taxpayers to avoid using costly tax refund anticipation loans that are offered by some commercial tax preparation companies.

"The Earned Income Tax Credit is the best pro-job, pro-family and anti-poverty tax relief ever devised, and every eligible family in Illinois should receive the full credit," said Governor Quinn. "With the income tax deadline just five days away, it is important that Illinois' working families take advantage of free tax preparation assistance to help get their full refunds quickly and painlessly."

State partnerships with the Center for Economic Progress' Tax Counseling Project and Ladder Up (formerly the Tax Assistance Program) will offer free tax preparation assistance and e-filing for families across Illinois. Services are free for families who earned under $50,000 and individuals who made less than $25,000.

Through the partnerships, volunteer tax counselors will provide free tax assistance and counseling more than 30 sites throughout the state. Most sites will provide services from January 23 through April 15. Governor Quinn made today's announcement at Truman College in Chicago, which will serve as a Center for Economic Progress site. (A full list of locations is attached.)

Taxpayers can walk in to any of the locations, without an appointment, and work with trained volunteers who will help fill out their returns and make sure they file for all the credits, deductions and other benefits to which they're entitled.

Families raising three or more children in their home can get up to $5657 from the federal EITC with earnings of less than $48,279 (married, filing jointly). Illinois residents who claim the federal EITC may also receive the state EITC, which can save them up to $283.

Governor Quinn also encouraged residents to avoid the high cost of refund anticipation loans (RALs) offered by commercial tax preparation companies. According to a 2009 study by the Consumer Federation of America and the National Consumer Law Center, the price of a RAL for a typical loan of $3,000 can range from $62 to $110.

Most Illinois taxpayers can file state taxes for free at and receive a refund in about a week. Additionally, many can file their federal taxes online for free as well. Information about filing federal taxes online can be found at


CHICAGO - April 2, 2010. Governor Pat Quinn today acted upon 407 clemency petitions. Of the 407 petitions, Governor Quinn granted 147 pardons, authorized 2 persons who had already received pardons to seek expungement of their convictions, and denied 258 petitions.

The 407 clemency petitions acted upon by Governor Quinn are part of the 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 dockets.  Each person granted clemency has recently undergone a criminal background check through the Illinois State Police's Law Enforcement Agencies Data System (LEADS).

Since taking office, Governor Quinn has acted on 769 clemency petitions. Governor Quinn has granted 321 pardons, authorized 8 persons who had already received pardons to seek expungement of their convictions, and denied 440 petitions.

For further information on the approved clemency cases, please contact the Prisoner Review Board at 217-782-7274.

